Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Going to Blessed Sacriment AME Church (BSC)

One went to a ceremony at "Blessed Sacriment AME Church" (BSC) today. Me and a few others were invited to go. There was food, and the people from the church gave us gifts! While everyone was eating, one person from BSC asked me why I wasn't eating anything. My mom chimed in saying, "He's picky..." and my dad said after this, "Because his mother doesn't make him."
Ugh Dad, be quiet.
Then our Rev asked me "Did you eat breakfast?"
I said no.
Then the BSC person said to me, "Why don't you take a walk with me to get a brownie."
Oy, she doesn't know me too well...
When we got up to the food table, I got a plate and picked up one brownie. The server gave me another. When I got back to my table, I cut a slice with a knife. I only ate that one slice and my mom ate the rest.
At the end of the ceremony, the person who asked me why i wasn't eating's ASSISTANT presented our crew with certificates from the State of New Jersey, and we also got gifts for all of us. I saw that no one else got gifts so we were lucky!
After we left BSC, we went to a McDonalds in Hamilton to get food (we went to the drive-thru, not inside.), then we went home, where I am now.

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